English Language Learners
The Davenport Community School District English Learner Program provides several models for English Learners based on their English language learning needs.
Our English as a Second Language (ESL) model uses techniques, methodology, and special curriculum designed to teach ELs explicitly about the English language, including the academic vocabulary needed to access content instruction, and to develop their English language proficiency in all four language domains (i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing).
Our Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) model is designed to impart English language skills so that the ELs can transition and succeed in an English-only mainstream classroom once proficient.
Our Newcomer Program model provides intensive supports with language and social-emotional supports needed for engaging with a new community and culture. This program is designed to serve our DCSD students who are newest to the United States and who are emerging bilinguals.
Davenport CSD Lau Plan
More information about our complete English Learner Program can be found in our district Lau Plan.
Contact Information:
Jen Van Fleet - State/Federal Program Specialist - vanfleetj@davenportschools.org - 563-336-7480
Amy Hassig - Secretary for EL Program - hassiga@davenportschools.org - 563-336-7461
Courtney Olsen - Director of Equity and Learning Supports - olsenc@davenportschools.org - 563-336-7447